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[pct-l] Re: Fires in the Olallie Lakes Basin

Good news.  The PCT is off the closure list in the Olallie Lake basin.
It's been raining buckets here in Portland.  Here's the latest USFS
press release.

Steve Queen
Mount Hood Area Coordinator
Pacific Crest Trail Association

Mt. Hood National Forest
16400 Champion Way
Sandy, OR  97055

August 22, 2001

For Immediate Release

For more information contact:  Jimmye Turner, (503) 630-8767

Olallie Fire Complex

With the coming of the rain, the fires of the Olallie Fire Complex will
be greatly subdued.  Increased humidity and cooler temperatures reduce
the flame lengths and fire intensity allowing firefighters to attack
remaining hotspots near the fire line directly.  Mop-up activities
continue, with the firefighters cooling each hotspot within a minimum of
300 feet of the line, reducing the chance of re-ignition or spotting.

A carefully planned and successful burnout yesterday helped secure the
line being built.

A Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER) team, an interagency,
interdisciplinary team, has begun to assess the area, determining the
rehabilitation needs in the fire area.  They consider both the effects
of the fire and the fire suppression, assessing the damage to soil,
vegetation, timber, recreation, wildlife, hydrology, threatened and
endangered species, and cultural resources.

Release of firefighters has begun.  Personnel who worked on the fire are
being assigned to other incidents in the Northwest, or are returning to
their home units.

Several closures remain in effect.  Trout lake campground is closed on
the Warm Springs side.  The trails in the Trout lake area is also closed
to use.

Campgrounds that are closed are:  Camp Ten, Horseshoe Lake, Lower Lake,
Olallie Meadows, Paul Denis, Peninsula, Breitenbush and Triangle Lake
Equestrian.  Olallie Lake Resort is also closed until further notice.

Trails that are closed are:  Lodgepole (#706), Gibson Lake (#708),
Horseshoe Saddle (#712), Ruddy Hill (#714), Russ Lake (#716), Fish Lake
(#717), Red Lake (#719), Top Lake (#719), Monon Lake (#729), Olallie
Lake (#731), Monolallie Lake (#732), Timber Lake (#733), Double Peaks
(#735), and Potato Butte (#719A).  Road Closures:  46/4690,
4680/4680-150, 4220/4230, 42/380.