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[pct-l] Thank you for your past help with my plans to hikethe John Muir Trail ... here are a few other ?s
I did a North/South hike on the JMT.
I flew into Fresno from LA (it was about $100.) and they have a shuttle that
goes right into Yosemite.
It was $25 for the service, and got me into Yosemite around 5:30pm.
They have one campsite that is open on a first come bases that needs no
You can, if not already reserved your wilderness permit with Whitney sticker
there. or
wait to see if you can get one in the morning if you have not already reserved
your permit.
The Whitney stickers for entrance from the north side or west side of the
mountains is not a
Hope it helps.
Dave Clark.
| | "David E. |
| | Yashar" |
| | <yashar@netsp|
| | ace.org> |
| | |
| | 08/15/2001 |
| | 07:06 AM |
| | |
| |
| To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net |
| cc: (bcc: David Clark/LA/Candle) |
| Subject: [pct-l] Thank you for your past help with my plans to |
| hike the John Muir Trail ... here are a few other ?s |
Question #1:
Planning to hike the JMT, North to South starting on/around August 24 for
19+ days.
Now that Greyhound (effective 8/15/01) is suspending its bus from Reno to
Los Angelos (which stopped at Lee Vining on the northern end of the JMT and
Lone Pine on the southern end of the JMT), how do you suggest I get to the
trail head on both sides. I am looking for a reliable and cost effective
I was considering flying into Reno and flying out of Los Angelos and using
Greyhound to get to/from.
The following web site mentions how to get to the northern end from San
Is this advised?
How would I get to Los Angelos then from Lone Pine (southern End)? Or can I
get to San Fran. from Lone Pine?
Question #2:
Any hints on how to get the Mount Whitney area permit? I understand that
they may do walk-ups (on the day of) in Lone Pine for unclaimed permits.
Question #3:
Any recommendations on what bear canister I should buy? I would like to
get this before I depart Boston, MA. How many days food for one person can
reasonably be expected to fit into a canister?
Thanks for your help.
David E. Yashar
PCTA/Aldha-East/West member
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