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[pct-l] Thank you for your past help with my plans to hike the John Muir Trail ... here are a few other ?s
--- "David E. Yashar" wrote:
> Now that Greyhound (effective 8/15/01) is suspending
> its bus from Reno to
> Los Angelos (which stopped at Lee Vining on the
> northern end of the JMT and
> Lone Pine on the southern end of the JMT), how do
> you suggest I get to the
> trail head on both sides.
The north end of the JMT starts in Yosemite Valley.
How about Greyhound or the train to Merced, then YARTS
to the valley?
I have no further ideas for the south end.
You might check my post at
although apparently the Greyhound part no longer
> Question #2:
> Any hints on how to get the Mount Whitney area
> permit?
If you're starting at the north end you get your
permit at Yosemite. They should be able to issue the
Whitney permit. (Next year there will be a limit of 25
people per day exiting at the Whitney Trail.)
> Question #3:
> Any recommendations on what bear canister I should
> buy?
Cheapest: Garcia Bear Can $57.25 delivered from
Lightest: Wild Ideas Bearikade $195 plus shipping from
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