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[pct-l] Let's get FOX network to air this (After COPS)

Dear Humanoids,

 I think we should get us a bear (using steelies or marbles to stun 
it) and bring to our next ADZDect. and have both critters timed to see who gets 
in the bear cannister first. Of course, we will have to give Monte  some 
sort of brain transplant to bring him up to the level of the bear for fair 
compitation.And maybe we should bring the COPS film crew in to make some money 
for a fund for "Long Distance Hikers with Mental Health Problems"Then that damn 
SPCA would require that we treat the animals "humanely" which means we couldn't 
give Monte that brain transplant. 

 Seriously, isn't time we quit treating our wild lands like they are 
some sort of playground for us immature, self-centered humans. Can't go in the 
woods without harming the bears? Go to your local rifle range or Disneyland, 
watch extreme sports on TV. Grow up.


--- Margo Cruse

--- ppctmargo@earthlink.net 

--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

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