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[pct-l] Canisters, Helmets and Seat Belts
Yup! gene pool needs draining occassionaly to keep the water clean.
Me, you say?
I and my sons own the deep end <smirk>...
At 5:38 AM -0800 8/10/01, AsABat wrote:
>Since the mandatory helmet and seat belt laws, organ donations have dropped.
>As a recipient of two, this needs to be changed. Therefore, I propose we
>abolish mandatory helmet and seat belt laws, provided the noncomplier:
>1. Waive in writting all rights to government assistance, including medical
>and disability.
>2. Have in possession and on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles an
>organ donor card.
>This will also help to thin the herd. <grin>
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