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[pct-l] Canisters, Helmets and Seat Belts

 I am not a fan of Government telling me how I need to protect myself. I f a 
hiker wishes to carry a few extra pounds of plastic, that is their choice. 
What I don't like is being made to pack one of these Band-Aids under threat 
of heavy fines. I choose to wear a seat belt, but do not think I should be 
made! They say seat belts save lifes. Last time I looked, seems like everyone 
still dies whether you wear a seat belt or not. Whether you die at 40 in a 
car wreck or 90 with cancer, you still die.  Seat belts and helmets are 
choices people make and should not be cramed down your throat! Someone who 
chooses not to wear a seat belt, or a helmet on a motorcycle, or smoke, or 
drink to much, or sleep around, or eat bacon every day for 50 years, or climb 
Mountains in the winter, or drink unfiltered water from a creek or even " NOT 
PACK A PLASTIC BAND-AID BLANKING CANISTER" will just have to live with the 
consequences of their actions. But this is my life, and I don't need Big 
Brother telling me how to carry my food when I hike!!!      PS     And going 
from the Park Ranger's past sucesses, they are correct in their choices very 
few times. Yes, sign me up for the Magazine  "Mindless Government Zombie". I 
know the Park Service can do a better job of thinking for me that I could 
possibly do!!!