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[pct-l] RE: Not stupid people but smart bears
Having fun in Sierra almost *always* requires hanging food in
the dark IMHO!
If one sets the ropes while it is light out- you can hang it
any ol time, n'est ce pas?
At 8:48 AM -0800 8/9/01, John Mertes wrote:
>Resending below since apparently it did not post to the PCT-L the first
>> 2-Always cook and eat before dark. This is standard in the Sierra. The
>> Sierra requires a cooking cerfew and has been that way since hanging food
>> was the food protection method. [Try hanging food in the dark] Nobody in
>> their right mind EVER opens a food locker, bear box, canister or trys to
>> hang food at night.
>Guess I and my companions not been in our "right mind" since I/we have
>often cooked and eaten after dark. Various reasons for doing so
>including late return to camp and early darkness in late season. Hanging
>food after dark is easy provided one sets up the rope before dark and
>preferably before leaving camp or food unattended the first time. With
>the rope already set up, hanging food after dark is almost a no-brainer.
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