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[pct-l] RE: Not stupid people but smart bears
Resending below since apparently it did not post to the PCT-L the first
> 2-Always cook and eat before dark. This is standard in the Sierra. The
> Sierra requires a cooking cerfew and has been that way since hanging food
> was the food protection method. [Try hanging food in the dark] Nobody in
> their right mind EVER opens a food locker, bear box, canister or trys to
> hang food at night.
Guess I and my companions not been in our "right mind" since I/we have
often cooked and eaten after dark. Various reasons for doing so
including late return to camp and early darkness in late season. Hanging
food after dark is easy provided one sets up the rope before dark and
preferably before leaving camp or food unattended the first time. With
the rope already set up, hanging food after dark is almost a no-brainer.
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