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[pct-l] RE: Not stupid people but smart bears
Hey Tom,
OK, OK. Which mind am I in -- left, center, front, back. You've only
ruled out "right".
Besides which, I'm not crazy for nothing; I am paid by the government.
Sometimes I hung the bags before dark; sometimes the first time the
bay(s) were hung was after dark.
I don't understand your question about tangled bags. The only time I had
a similar problem was when a friend, good hiker but lacking some common
sense and skills, went to let down the bear bags one morning. He untied
the rope from the tree (that method worked back then) and gave the rope
a toss. The loose end tangled around the end with the bags and hung up.
Fortunately I was able to reach up and untie the bags; part of the rope
remained in the tree. I never let him handle the bear bagging process
Other than that, I only use one line (rope) per branch and if I have
multiple bags to hang, then I tie them all to one bowline knot on the
line (got something out of the Navy). I also make sure not to have the
two parts of the line crossed at any time while hoisting or lowering the
food; and will weigh or tied down both ends when there is no bag hung on
the line.
> John-
> That you are not in your right mind has been well established on multiple lists. [I resemble this remark also].
> I presume that you actually hung your food before dark, then
> just let the bags down to get what you wanted for dinner, then rehung the remainder. [If you left the bags on the ground in the dark you did risk losing food to a bear as
> Joanne described]. Even so how do you deal with tangled bags in the dark?
> Tom
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