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[pct-l] bear cannisters & minor correction in URL
Hi, Ken & Marcia et al -=20
I've been following the bear incident thread with both amusement (at the =
steelies/wrist rocket posts - I'll keep my opinion to myself, thank =
you...) and horror (at the Whitney Portal bear car-attacks). =
Nonetheless, husband & I are interested in replacing our Garcia with a =
Bearikade to save a pound. Clicked on the URL you included and found a =
wilderness philosophy site instead of the Bearikade manufacturer...the =
former site even had some commentary re: "we don't make or sell bear =
cannisters here, so don't search for them." A search on Google for the =
Bearikade turned up the wild-ideas.net site - where they indeed sell 2 =
sizes of the Bearikade.
Now...can they deliver one to me by Saturday????? I'll see!
Christine (who packs the bear cannister & whose husband carries it under =
protest) =20
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