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[pct-l] Thug bears and wrist rockets!!
Hi Joanne and folks. Yes, a wristrocket works very well on the thug type
black bears in Yosemite!! Two confirmed hits at 50 yards and at 35 yards on
another. Back in the old days , I packed a wristrocket as far as Marble Mts.
where I lost the thing. Bears hit in broad side get the picture in a hurry.
My own observation shows that bear thug are alot like the people kind. Ifa
bad guy on the street wants money, does he try his luck with some 6'5'
linebacker or your 110 lb. Grammother?? Thugs of bear and human type go for
the "Weak Link". Bears are looking for an easy score of food. In the old days
beating your pans together at night was enough. Now bears are a little
smarter and pay little mind to pans and whistles, but a well placed steely
will give a rubber bullet a run for it's money. On my 77 hike , I also added
Grouse to the menu on several occasions. Of course ,there were far fewer
hikers and I in no way would avocate this for today's PCT hiker. One thing
though is the wristrocket is for real and does a great job. These things
would be lethal to humans at close range and would give esp. female hikers an
extra measure of security when near towns. Anyway , a pop can is no match at
20 paces!! Try it , you'll like it!!! ( Bears hate being hit and will leave
you alone)