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[pct-l] Thug bears and wrist rockets!!

Being very ignorant of the wrist-rocket venu, but nonetheless
intrigued; would you perhaps able to specifcy a sample of
such a device :-)

Happy Trails,


At 6:23 PM -0800 8/3/01, Montedodge@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Joanne and folks. Yes, a wristrocket works very well on the thug type
>black bears in Yosemite!! Two confirmed hits at 50 yards  and at 35 yards on
>another. Back in the old days , I packed a wristrocket as far as Marble Mts.
>where I lost the thing.  Bears hit in broad side get the picture in a hurry.
>My own observation shows that bear thug are alot like the people kind. Ifa
>bad guy on the street wants money, does he try his luck with  some 6'5'
>linebacker or your 110 lb. Grammother?? Thugs of bear and human type go for
>the "Weak Link". Bears are looking for an easy score of food. In the old days
>beating your pans together at night was enough. Now bears are a little
>smarter and pay little mind to pans and whistles, but a well placed steely
>will give a rubber bullet a run for it's money. On my 77 hike , I also added
>Grouse to the menu on several occasions. Of course ,there were far fewer
>hikers and I in no way  would avocate this for today's PCT hiker. One thing
>though is the wristrocket is for real and does a great job. These things
>would be lethal to humans at close range and would give esp. female hikers an
>extra measure of security when near towns. Anyway , a pop can is no match at
>20 paces!!  Try it , you'll like it!!!  ( Bears hate being hit and will leave
>you alone)
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