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[pct-l] Tioga Road Opening.


I'm new to this group and I'm planning my JMT hike for this June.  I =
have been browsing the net for the past month to find any =
weather-related info relevant to my hike.  Since it will be a little bit =
early in the season (June 6th  - June 23rd, 2001), I don't want to be =
surprised by impassable snow fields on JMT's many passes.  From what I =
found out is that most people venture into the Sierra's high country =
after the Fourth of July. =20

I'm not sure if this information can help you to decide when to come to =
Yosemite but I have found this NPS website =
(http://www.nps.gov/yose/roads.htm), which lists the Tioga Road opening =
and closing dates from 1980 until 2000.  Again, I don't know how correct =
is this information but assuming it is and given that we are having =
light snow year so far, I would guess that Tioga Road will be open =
sometime late May or early June.  That's probably to late for your May =
trip.  You can certainly reach Yosemite Valley year-round via El Portal =
Road (Hwy. 140).  Go check out http://www.yarts.com/ for the YARTS =
transportation system.  The should be in service on all Yosemite routes =
in early May.  At least that's what their website mentions.

I'm personally planning to fly to S. F. and get by train to Merced from =
where I can transfer onto a YARTS bus and get into Yosemite Valley on =
June 5th.

Hope it helps.

Richard Nacin.

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