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[pct-l] Agua Dulce Packages/FYI???

Delighted that C21 is willing to take some of the load from the old PO and...

I really want to put in a plug for staying with Donna and Jeff in Hiker Heaven. It is just that. gorgeous scenery, the friendliest folks you'll find, great accommodations, wonderful dogs, great shower, full kitchen. And the only cost to you is a willingness to be taken care of. Donna is truly a Trail Archangel. Don't miss the chance to experience staying with the Saufley's.

Namaste, Maggot (Margo Chisholm)

Donna Saufley wrote:

> That's great news . . . packages sent to C21 were routed to Richard's market (now closed) last year.  Please feel free to use C21 -- they love the hikers like most folks in town do and they have a long-standing history of helping hikers.  I've heard many accounts of their kindness to hikers.
> There are, however, a few small advantages to sending c/o Saufley's Hiker Heaven worth noting.  First, you can come and get your package any time.  C21 has regular business hours -- I'll verify and post their hours for you -- their hours were somewhat sporadic and they weren't open weekends in the past; I've seen this disadvantage a few hikers, but certainly not everyone.  Secondly,  you won't have to carry your package anywhere -- you're already in Heaven!  Regardless of where you send them, please feel free to come up and sort your stuff out at our hacienda . . . and stay awhile!
> -=Jeff & Donna Saufley=-
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Margo Chisholm
Coach, Speaker, Author, Therapist
Partnering you in having success,
freedom and joy in all areas of your life
970-704-9336    fax 970-704-9346

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"Man, unlike the animals, has never learned
that the sole purpose of life is to enjoy it."
        Samuel Butler