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[pct-l] Just who is leaving and why?
In a message dated 3/28/2001 12:32:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,
pcnst@oakapple.net writes:
> Almost every PCT hiker has general opinions about
> illegal immigrants and illegal drug traffic, but not everybody wants
> to read about these topics on pct-l except as they specifically
> pertain to PCT hiking.
Of all the aspects of planning for the PCT, the illegal immigrants or drug
trafficers were the least of my worries. In the south, I was more concerned
about heat and lack of water than anything else. I had heard the warnings,
but water dictated were I would be staying at the end of each day. Hauser
Creek had a particularly bad reputation for "illegal" activities, but I
stayed anyway.
Sure enough, like clockwork, the "illegals" passed through about 5 am. Since
I had done most of the planning my hiking partners were a little upset with
me I didn't tell them beforehand about the potential problems. Of course
there weren't any problems and I've never heard a hiker claim otherwise.
That somebody lost their gear to someone or something on the trail only shows
me that they weren't paying attention. What ever date you decide to hike
through this area it probably wont matter, but it may be safer or you may
feel safer to hike with others
Maybe someone should invent a human size bear cannister that locks from the
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