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[pct-l] Just who is leaving and why?
- Subject: [pct-l] Just who is leaving and why?
- From: pcnst@oakapple.net (David planning PCNST)
- Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 09:31:57 -0800 (PST)
Considering somewhat the comments I received from various sources,
I decided to start my first day symbolically with miles 0.0-2.3,
then skip north to the San Felipe, and take my chances with the rest of
the border region
and Laguna Mountains a month later, with ADZPCTKO if possible, or shortly
thereafter if not.
That was my bit of actual PCT content.
The following is on
the meta-topic of list content and etiquette which bores many people to
tears, so I add with some misgivings:
Almost every PCT hiker has general opinions about
illegal immigrants and illegal drug traffic, but not everybody wants
to read about these topics on pct-l except as they specifically
pertain to PCT hiking.
The current unfortunate discussion, which I inadvertently started by
reading a PCTA web page trail report, is all too symptomatic of almost
all e-mail lists on almost all topics. The meta-question is: is the
XYZ list exclusively for discussing topic XYZ or is it for general
discussions of all topics of interest to people who are also
interested in topic XYZ?
[For a humorous treatment of this point from a completely unrelated
kind of list see http://www.oakapple.net/email.txt and decide for yourself
how much is universal and independent of topic.]
When enough people join a list, some kind of focusing effort often
happens. This could take the form of a separate moderated list, or
a separate (self-moderated) announcement-only-no-discussion list, or
separated PCT-specific and long-distance-hiking-general lists, or private
lists. Instead of any of that, I prefer self-moderation: each poster asking
him/herself, each time, whether the posting is directly and constructively
relevant to the topic of the PCT and especially PCT hiking.
If not, send it in private email
to the individual you would like to respond to.