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[pct-l] headphoneless radios in the backcountry
In a message dated 3/9/2001 5:32:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,
scourtway@bpa-arch.com writes:
> The beauty of OUR PCT is that it also falls
> within the land of the free.
> free means that one can hang a rinky dink am
> radio off one's backpack and turn it on,
Never did hike with open speakers, trying to get down on noise pollution I
guess, but I did do some hiking with headphones and always felt the need to
take them off if anyone approached.
If you walked up to me on the PCT with your radio on and audible, I have to
consider you an asshole, but not to worry, I've said and did things that make
me one too!
AM radio huh, I have to ask, you don't listen to Rush and Dr. Laura while
you're in the woods, do you?
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