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[pct-l] headphoneless radios in the backcountry
My dear Mr. Scourgeway. If you camp next to me and play your radio and
interfere with the serenity I came to seek or my sleep, I will NOT go deeper
into the woods. I will simply feel that imposing is a two way street. You
don't own your camp, right? So I can enter it at will seeking that perfectly
situated log to relieve myself. I assume you will be trying to sleep so
please forgive my grunts. If you object I promise to be real quiet.
I get very grouchy when kept awake by noise. It's my problem, I know, but
hey that's the way it is. I've tried therapy to no avail. I just am what I
am. Anyway, it's a free country ain't it? If I want to feel grouchy I will!!
I"ve been known to do irrational things when kept awake such as throwing open
the window and shouting obscenities for 30 minutes at my neighbor's dogs when
they bark at midnight.( Hey what can I say - it works!!) If you keep me awake
by blaring your radio, the question of boots vs shoes will be moot if you
leave your footwear where I can get to them 'cause you'll be doing the trail
BAREFOOT (can someone barefoot keep up with someone wearing shoes or boots-
the debate rages on so let's find out). It's theft and illegal, I know, so
you will have to get a cop and/or sue me. But, hell, I'd barbeque my
neighbor's barking dogs if I had the chance (I'm a cat person) and that's
most likely illegal too. Like I said I do irrational things when kept awake
or awoken by noise imposed on me by others.( I do except snoring -after all
it's not on purpose) I'm sure you will take this into consideration when
camped next to me, right Mr. Scourgeway? Mean old square party pooping
Mountain Dave (Yeah Yeah, I know- lighten up dude or go deeper into the woods)
P.S. My apologies if you are somehow being facetious and I'm too stupid to
pick up on it, otherwise -in your face, dude!! I'm sure you can relate to
that. O.K. I've got my asbestos suit on - flame away!!