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[pct-l] headphoneless radios in the backcountry
The beauty of OUR PCT is that it also falls
within the land of the free.
free means that one can hang a rinky dink am
radio off one's backpack and turn it on,
Picture a line of zombies shackled to the trail,
unable to turn on their radios outloud; I get
visions of Heaven's Gate, not the GREAT AMERICAN
I remember listening to a song when I was little. It went something like
"your rights stop at the end of my nose."
While I believe that people have the right to do what they want when they
want, I also believe that people also deserve respect. If I want to be
bothered by disrespectful people who don't care that their radios are
disrupting everyone else around them, I will ride the New York City subway,
not hike in the great outdoors.
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