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[pct-l] radios
First, I should introduce myself. My name is Dawn (trail-name Belcher). I
thru-hiked the AT last year (started one year ago today, as a matter of
fact). I'm currently planning a 2001 PCT thru-hike, so I thought I'd join
this list to gain a better feel for the PCT and everything I am getting
myself into. Without further adieu, I will now talk about the silliness of
shaving ounces in regard to headphones on the trail...
In a message dated 3/8/01 10:47:38 PM Central Standard Time,
scourtway@bpa-arch.com writes:
> lose the headphones: valuable ounces saved /
I hardly think that saving ounces by ditching headphones is really going to
be felt on your back. If you're really that concerned about weight, don't
bring the radio. Besides, you're not just bothering other hikers out to
enjoy the wilderness, you're frightening off wildlife that you may have had
the chance to see, had you not given the warning with the radio.
Of course, this is the first message of the thread that I've read, so I might
be way off base. (and I can see it now, many messages starting off with
"you're way off base here...")
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