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[pct-l] Hiking Alone
- Subject: [pct-l] Hiking Alone
- From: gregpr@juno.com (Greg Prothman)
- Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 22:10:48 -0700
Jo Ann,
this is Marge (the old gal here)
It has never occured to me that I could not do something when i set my
mind to it. This includes hiking alone.
I attended the ADZPCTKO last year and I made arrangements with Roy and
son Brian Robinson (our triple crowner) to take my car from Lake Morena
up to I 15 near Wrightwood. I wanted to complete Section B and then do C
& D. ( I am a section hiker)
After the Kickoff they drove me up to Palms to Pines Hiway and I was on
my way. I fully expected to see a few people on the trail. Well to make
a long story short on the second day out I crossed a rock fall, was
stepping back up onto the trail when a small rock moved under my foot and
wedge it in and I fell over sideways breaking the leg.
I was able to get myself back on the trail (you can do alot on your
backside, with the good leg holding up the bad leg). Made my self
comfortable etc. It was 3 days later when a couple of thru hikers found
me in the late afternoon. Things were not looking good, I had about 1/4
cup of water left etc. etc.
Now, I will admit to being in my mid 70s and I have no intention to stop
hiking. However, for the peace of mind for my family. I have stood at
attention for my Seattle son ( mtn. rescue person) Have promised all the
kids I will not do it alone again. However the good side of this I will
be doing 3 sections in Washinton this summer with some of these kids
hiking with me. Have also promised to carry a cell phone even tho I know
it will not work in certain areas.
The best part is we have moved to a small town near Sun Valley Idaho
and the wonderful Sawtooth mountains and there are loads of people my age
hiking and backpacking. I will have to go some to keep up to them. So
things do happen, but do not need to be dwelt on.
Cheers, Marge
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