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[pct-l] Seeking Advice on PCT footwear
- Subject: [pct-l] Seeking Advice on PCT footwear
- From: Read-miller@home.com (Read Miller)
- Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 17:34:56 -0800
Rick Hubbard wrote, "I'm starting at Campo on May 10th, and plan to hike =
about 1100 miles this
year. I'd like to hear good argument/discussion about what footwear to
I found running shoes to work well on the entire trail. I had no =
problems in the snow in the Sierra. So long as I keep walking my feet =
generate enough heat to keep warm. I use trekking poles which give me =
some added stability. I seldom needed to, but when there were no tracks =
in front of me, I was able to kick steps with a little effort. My =
routine was to start walking when I got up and stop for my big meal in =
the middle of the day. I'd then walk until dusk and get right into my =
bag for the night. I didn't use them often, but I carried Sealskin socks =
for sleeping and kept them on for a while some mornings. I'd certainly =
use running shoes again and wouldn't consider even light boots at the =
time you are going. As a native San Diegan, I find that in southern =
California snow is rare, usually light when it occurs, melts fast, and =
covers quite limited areas . If you should experience one of our freak =
storms, a few mile walk down the mountain will get you snow free. You =
can then enjoy a brief layover or a short bypass.=20
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