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[pct-l] Re: Trail Running
Angeles Crest 100 runs about 50 miles of the PCT near Wrightwood
The PCT 50 miler and Smuggler 50 miler run on the PCT near Campo
The Leona Divide 50 runs on the PCT by Lake Hughs (near Agua Dulce)
The Cascade Crest 100 miler runs on the PCT in around Easton, Washington
There are more, but those are the ones off the top of my head. Most of
these runs have been going for 10-20 years, and no one has seemed to
notice, except for the USFS folks who keep issuing the permits.
At 04:53 PM 2/28/01 , ROYROBIN@aol.com wrote:
><< Does anyone know of any long distance running races held on or near the
>Sure. The Western States crosses the PCT in the Granite Chief Wilderness (K7)
>at Emigrant Pass. It'll be run on June 23rd this year. Starts in Squaw
>Valley, ends in Auburn. 100 miles.
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