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[pct-l] Re: PCT-L digest, Vol 1 #57 - 18 msgs
In a message dated 2/26/2001 9:31:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, aa6j@amsat.org
> From: Bighummel@aol.com
> >Okay, Okay, OKAY!!!! I admit it! I didn't do it! I didn't thru-hike the
> PCT.
> >I didn't walk the official route because one didn't exist in 1977
> Sorry, Greg. I have a map book titled "Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail
> (California Portion)" published by the "California Region - Forest Service -
> U S Department of Agriculture" in 1974 that shows the "Existing Trail",
> "Uncompleted Trail", and "Temporary Route". I had hoped to do the trail in
> 1978, but Mom (RIP) said go to college or move out.
I'm not your Mom, but don't expect much sympahty here. Maybe it's about time
you take your old maps and strike out for yourself!
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