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[pct-l] alternate routes
- Subject: [pct-l] alternate routes
- From: scourtway@bpa-arch.com (Steve Courtway)
- Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 09:52:54 -0800
Aren't there a few sections of the PCT (in SoCal) that were originally=20
routes but became official because the desired routes were unobtainable?
as we know, the route used to take then dirt san felipe valley road =
while volcan mountain
landowners were being petitioned for easements.
so, if a hiker chooses not to have his/her feet shredded to bits on the =
23 mi. san felipe hills traverse, and doesn't like night hiking, and =
takes the now
paved 10 mi. road instead, they've taken the "old" route and still have =
hiked the PCT, no ?
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