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[pct-l] NApster
- Subject: [pct-l] NApster
- From: dude@coruscant.net (The Dude)
- Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 12:07:23 -0800
http://www.audiogalaxy.com is good too.
>To: CMountainDave@aol.com, pct-l@backcountry.net
>From: Richard Calliger <calliger@infolane.com>
>Subject: Re: [pct-l] NApster
>Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 23:43:38 -0800
>Ditto on Napster...go to napster.com - you'll need to download a server
>control window from them-- and then you are ready to go. The mp3 qulaity
>on 99% of the songs is excellent although not quite CD quality. However the
>price is right--since I "discovered" Napster 2 months ago I have over
>2,500 songs- shooting for 2,800 for obvious reasons- and I had to upgrade
>my disk to a 100GB drive and a CD burner... I even found some of the classic
>CBS Radio Mystery shows like War of the WOlrds original 1920's (circa?)
>by Orson Wells...
>Hurry- as the free anture of the site will be changing -- everyone as you
>can imagine
>is suing--- but we the user wins for now-- there are over 40,000,000
>and u cant sue everyone..but they could be closed down anytime :-)
>At 02:09 AM 2/7/01 EST, CMountainDave@aol.com wrote:
>>Not anything to do with the PCT but I've been using Napster to download songs
>>I've been longing to hear for decades - everything from Hank Williams'
>>Jambalya and Hey Good Lookin' to George Benson's Breezin' to Frank Sinatra's
>>That's Life, CCR's Looking Out My Back Door, Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just want
>>to Have Fun, Stevie Wonder's My Cheri Amour, Van Morrison's Moondance , Billy
>>Idol's White Wedding and the Temptation's My Papa was a Rolling Stone.
>>Napster is the greatest thing since sliced bread!!!Any song you can imagine
>>is there for free - at least for now. I must admit - a tape player with
>>earphones would be great to have to listen to tunes for a while before
>>nodding off to sleep in a tent but I wouldn't use it while hiking because it
>>would distract me from some of the reasons I was there for.
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