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[pct-l] Lurker intro...

Hi all,

Figured it was about time to introduce myself and ask a few questions. I've 
been lurking for a month or two now and I recognize a few of you from at-l.

I've been hiking and backpacking for over ten years - mostly in the Whites 
(NH) but also around the world.  I thruhiked the AT last year and now seem 
to have caught the long distance hiking bug.

The PCT seems like a good next step for me. I've got winter hiking and  
backpacking skills from the Whites, and some desert skills from about one 
week each in the Grand Canyon, Paria Canyon, and Copper Canyons.

I'm not planning anything yet (yeah, right ;-) but I just want to start 
collecting information.

So anyway, my questions...

A lot of place names get bandied about on this list. Is there a good book I  
should have on hand to help me understand where all of these places are?  
(ie. Should I just buy the pair of guidebooks and the databook or is there a 
more general book to have on hand for those not yet planning?)

I read the first half of Jardine's book when I was holed up in Erwin, TN for 
nine days last year earning my trail name. I got one good piece of advice 
which I was able to use on the trail last year but in general, I wasn't 
particularly excited about a lot of what he said (perhaps not relevant to me 
or maybe just how he said it?).  Anyway, should I buy the book to read the 
other half? FWIW, I currently carry a light load but not extreme. Working on 
lightening the load though... (base weight ~25 lbs. including the terraplane 
- can't wait to try the Cloud...)

So, what are your favorite PCT resources and why? (I've already got the PCTA 
web site bookmarked.)

Thanks for the info...

(aka Stitches, GAME99)

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