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[pct-l] Dinner with Larry

I met Larry Hilberg in Shakopee, MN last night and we had dinner.

He has gone 1400 miles and is in very good shape.

Small failure with Stephenson tent but otherwise really jazzed.

We had 3 days of drizzle and some high winds so he was due for a rest.

He'll be passing thru Tuesday within a mile of my home so I hope to see him

He has so many great stories, I hope he gets them all down.

Hi to Hurricane!  Thanks for passing along my messages.

I'll bring my wife's laptop and maybe he can spend some time tapping some
notes out to you PCTers on the west coast.

Dan, Mpls

* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
