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[pct-l] Watching G2 climb on TV

 just sitting home watching this " G2 Climb " on the TV wishing I was hiking 
or climbing. Today is a small Anniversary of mine, 23 years ago I summited 
Whitney on my thru-hike of the PCT. ( and without oxygen to boot !! ) Looking 
forward to Jeff Z. and the gang to make it to Washington for our annual Mt. 
Adams " Climb of Death ". Hopefully I'll have a week to hike a tad with them 
as well.  I'll be doing a little trail magic myself when the crew of 2000 
hits White Pass as I doled out my phone # to about a dozen folks for a hot 
shower and a night on the town. I think trail angels and water stashers  get 
the same feelings of team work that thru-hikers get when hiking together. 
Even though I didn't get a chance to thu-hike the trail this year, I feel 
very much connected to people and the trail through helping out and doing my 
small section pieces. I only wish I lived closer to the trail as I would love 
to do what Pat and Paul are doing in Anza and Donna in the Tehachapees.
* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
