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[pct-l] Elk Lake Resort
- Subject: [pct-l] Elk Lake Resort
- From: "Webb" <webb@texas.net>
- Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 06:29:41 -0500
To all who gave such a quick and helpful response to my inquiry regarding
Elk Lake Resort... THANKS! Special thanks to Steve Stenkamp and Lana
Holcomb. Wow! What a great resource this list is! And seemingly populated
with such knowledgeable and helpful people! Thank you all.
I've already passed on your info to another PCTer who was also having
problems getting info on Elk Lake. If there are anymore of you out there
wondering if the resort fell off the mountain, just check out their website
Pamela and I are completely new to distance hiking. I can't tell you what a
relief it is to have so many of you out there, with knowledge and experience
far beyond our own, who are willing to take a moment and help a couple of
beginners. I hope we pass each other along the trail sometime. You'll be
able to tell who we are by the huge, heavy packs we'll be carrying. :-)
Jerry Webb
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