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[pct-l] Re: Snow in the Sierras

I have to vehemently disagree with Mr. Stenzel, even as nice as he is, about 
the Sierra snow conditions.  If you will actually read my post I pointed out 
specifically that snow conditions in the NORTHERN Sierra are still deep in 
snow.  However, the snow conditions appear (from the survey gauge data and 
the overflight info) to gradate to little or no snow in the SOUTHERN Sierra.  
My suggestion assumed that since most of the gauges are showing a steep 
meltoff in recent days that a thruhiker leaving Kennedy Mdws now would find 
little snow in the Southern Sierra and by the time he gets to the Northern 
Sierra would likely find a similar situation, given the time it will take 
that person to get to the Northern Sierra at a reasonable rate of progress.  

Thanks for the report on Northern Sierra snow conditions anyway, Will.  Do 
you think that the snow pack is showing signs of accelerating meltoff at 
Donner?  It all comes down to timing, you see.

Best regards,

Greg "Strider" Hummel
* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
