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[pct-l] Mailing Packages To Belden, CA

* Message posted to PCT-L from the National Scenic Trails Website
* by our guest Canyon Dan [Dan Sefried] <canyon_dan@hotmail.com>.
* Please use <mailto:canyon_dan@hotmail.com> to reply to the sender.

Mary K has asked me to carry on her job.  She was the person the hikers sent their packages, in-care-of.  I will be happy to do the same.  You can send them to; P.O. Box 48  Belden, CA  95915.. 
  That would be (in-care-of) Canyon Dan...                                                           I also work at Belden Resort and we are very hiker friendly.  Belden will also accept any packages sent in care of Belden Resort.  I was also thinking UPS and Fed Ex would be another way of sending your stuff.  Belden's phone # is (530) 283-9662.  Belden would like to accomadate the hikers in any they can.  Is there any suggestions you have that might help.  Belden would like to start stocking their shelves with things the hikers need.  Your input will be most appreciated. You can Email me at; canyon_dan@hotmail.com        or call Belden on the weekends.  Ask for Canyon Dan.  I hope to here from someone on this matter.                
          See ya when you get to Belden!!                       CANYON DAN 

* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
