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[pct-l] We need some help please!
First if you got this email twice (or more?) or are out of the San Francisco
Bay area, please pardon us as it was unintentional.
We need some help tomorrow on Tuesday, Mar 14 and at the April
meeting of the Peak Climbing Section of the Loma Prieta chapter
of the Sierra Club. As you may know, after we revived the
LOMAP-PCS-FORUM list on the SC server, as per agreed by our Chair Rick Booth,
Steve Eckert disabled the discussion features and modified its Charter as
approved by the Sierra Club. Currently the list functions in an announce-only
mode and subscribers may no longer hold discussions on it as
we did in the old days.
In order to correct this situation, in an appropriate manner, we are making
the following motion at the March 14 meeting. If you have the time and
would like to comment and/or support this motion, we invite you to be at Western Mountaineering in San Jose at 8 p.m. on March 14. It may prove to be a
very interesting meeting so we look forward to you attending..
If you cannot attend and wish to vote FOR this motion please send us
your "proxy" as follows:
FirstName LastName
Phone Numbers (to verify your vote)
Sierra Club Member Number
The Statement: "I am unable to attend the PCS meeting
but I wish to support and vote yes by proxy/email for this bylaw
ammendment. 'signed' ___________ your full name.
Thank you,
Rich Calliger, Tony Cruz
If you have any questions feel free to email us at
cc: calliger@infolane.com
1- The official LOMAP PCS list was stopped in its operation over 1 year ago
and official business of this section has been operating on a non-SC
server for over 1 year.
2- The Sierra Club Board has passed a resolution that the official club
business of all Chapters and Sections must be conducted on the Club
webserver for various legal and organization needs.
3-Recently the official list was recreated, LOMAP-
PCS-FORUM, but currently it operates in an announce-only format.
We propose a combination discussion and business list be run
on the Club webserver.
4. We find that the Bylaws of the Section nowhere reflect the 21st century of
internet communication, camaraderie and climbing communication;
therefore we respectfully submit this to the members for consideration and vote.
B. MOTION Its purpose is to to amend Article IV, Sections 1 and 5 our Section
By-laws such that:
1- The Section officers additional duties include supporting entirely the writing and
intent of the Dec 1999 Board resolution and will adhere to all LISTSERV
Policies of the Sierra Club wholeheartedly and without reservation.
2. A members-run official Section Sierra Club internet email list shall be
established that is 2-way open, unmoderated and run by a non-officer
volunteer selected by the PCS Chair. Any changes to the Charter of the List shall
require a 2/3 majority vote of all members of the Section and shall be
treated as a By-law. The charter shall be formulated for a 2-way
unmoderated open forum, to carry all official Club and Section
messsages and discussion as determined by the members of that
list which as long as they are in accordance with Club LISTSERV Policy.
C. PROCEDURES for items B1&B2 are:
The voting on this motion takes place as follows: 1. This motion will be posted in the April Scree. It will be voted on during the April PCS meeting. Any signed proxy votes of members not attending will be accepted only after verification of their vote. If the clubs rules against
"absentee ballot" proxy vote, the vote at the meeting will determine passage or not.
ADDENDUM: the BoD consensus decree.
Use of Third-Party Computer Equipment
The Sierra Club Board of Directors directs that no Club entity may use for the
purpose of facilitating Club business, activities, or membership communications,
and that no Club entity may describe an e-mail list or web page as its own or
the Club's, or imply that the Club owns such a list or page, unless it is hosted
on Club-owned or Club-leased systems, or an exception to this policy is granted,
as described below. If any material technical capability required by an entity
cannot be met by the Club's systems, the Information Technology Committee
(ITCom) or its successor may authorize an exception to this requirement for as
long as the capability is unavailable on a Club-based system.
The migration from non-Club web and e-mail list systems to Club systems will be
accomplished by 12/31/99. Any entity using a third-party system, now or in the
future, must provide, in addition to permission of the ITCom, written proof of
the system owner's consent to hosting the Club web pages or e-mail lists. Also,
if an exception to using Club systems is granted, the set-up and operation of
the web pages or e-mail lists must still conform to the Club's established Web
Business Practices and Listserver Policy.
Aye: Aumen, Berry, Dorsey, Ehrlich, Fahn, Ferenstein, Gaines, Hanson, Mowery,
Ogle, Perrault, Voss, Werbach
Absent: Brower
ADDENDUM: LOMAP-PCS-FORUM Charter pre-approved by the Sierra Club:
This is the offficial list for the Peak Climbing Section
of the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club. This list
facilitates an unmoderated dialog among peak climbers for
the purposes of trip planning, reporting, gear evalutaion
and other issues and discussion topics pertinent to
mountaineering and climbing whether or not they are Sierra
Club members. We encourage membership in and support of
the Sierra Club in order to help protect the backcountry
environment as well as encourage environmentally sound
mountaineering trips into that environment.
To achieves this end, we encourage unmoderated discussions
of any topics on the list that members choose that are
relevant to mountaineering and to whatever depth and detail
that they so choose. Therefore, there are no topical, numerical
or categorical restrictions on posting to the LOMAP PCS
list other than forbidding profanity, pornography, and
name-calling. All regulations of the rules of the Sierra
Club Lists Policy shall be followed in any dispute
over types of posts. Commercialization and advertising
are not appropriate on this list. The list owners reserve
the right to take appropriate action using the Club
LISTSERV policy guidelines to keep the dialog relevant.
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