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[pct-l] dry feet

Howdy All,
   Been noticing the discussion about footwear for the snowy sections
and here's my two cents worth.
   I have had good luck with Gore-Tex oversocks and lightweight boots
for any snowy stretches.  While the oversocks won't keep your feet
totally dry they will help a great deal.  Just make sure you launder them 
regularly.  Also the Gore-tex oversocks helped keep my feet warm,
especially on cold nights in the sack when I put them on over my
regular hiking socks.  The oversocks weigh 2.5 oz. and cost $30.

   The lightweight boots would dry reasonably in the sun during longer 
breaks, though not as quick as most running shoes.  This year
I will take both lightweight boots and running shoes into the Sierra,
as well as the oversocks.  Oh, and an ice ax of course.
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