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Re: [pct-l] Shoes
Title: Re: [pct-l] Shoes
On my thru-hike I went without socks for a while. In the high sierra one must make many fords. I decided to go sans socks for most of that area to aid in faster drying shoes. And it also helped in snow too. Without socks my shoes held much less water from snow melt.
I had my socks in my pack however, and never went without them entirely. I did experience some sore spots on my feet when my shoes began to break down and there were some rough edges inside.
I would say, that if you go without socks, gaiters are a nice addition. I did notice that without socks scree and debris that gets into your shoes is much more irritating.
Rather than go completely without socks another option may be to just carry one pair. That won't be much extra weight and will give you more options.
on 1/19/00 10:47 PM, Read Miller at ReadM@sprynet.com wrote:
It seems that we are no closer to a consensus on running shoes vs. boots in the Sierra and I fear I may be branded as an ultra light nut even though I consider myself to be rather sane and conservative. In spite of this fear I would like to get feedback on hiking in running shoes without socks. I did so for brief periods on the trail last year and have done a couple of hundred miles of training hikes without them this winter. It seems to work well with no blistering or discomfort, quicker drying time, more breathability some weight savings, and greater ease in disposing of grit. I'm thinking of leaving my socks at home this year and would like to hear about the experience of others.