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[pct-l] Ski poles vs treking poles

 Treking poles are usually lighter, have the advantage of ajustments, can 
change tips to add to their record, BUT,,,, Old ski poles are dirt cheap 
which makes them great for a hiker wanting to check them out. Goodwills, 
Value Village and yard sales are all great places to find cheal old 
crosscountry ski poles. Also the solid pole design tends to make them more 
reliable on the long haul. My current pair is 5 years old ( at least thats 
when I got them ) and showing no signs of needing replacement. If you place 
function and value at the top of your gear list, check out old ski poles 
first. Some hikers may be able to buy treking poles at 100 bucks a whack, but 
not this guy. For larger hikers, the solid design is stronger. The two and 
three piece poles have a built -in achielles heel, the joints which may fail. 
I am sure many hikers have had no problem with todays treking poles and don't 
mind the price. The old ski pole is just a good choice for some. take care 
* From the PCT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
