[pct-l] Kennedy Meadows North worth visiting?

Diane Soini dianesoini at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 14:53:59 CDT 2014

I got lost on Emmigrant Pass and wound up in Kennedy Meadows North by accident. Seemed like a nice place with cabins, campgrounds and fishing. They have ice cream in a small camp store. Looked like there was a sit-down restaurant, too.

Bridgeport is pretty nice. You can save money by walking out of town 2 miles to the hot spring. The hot spring is visible from the highway heading south out of town. It is a white area on the hills parallel to the Sierras. Head for it and you'll find your way to the hot spring. There's no camping there, but you can probably stealth camp somewhere not too close to get in trouble. I did anyway. Weird night birds made a crazy honking noise all night.

On Apr 10, 2014, at 10:00 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

> Kennedy Meadows North worth visiting?

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