[pct-l] Break Strategies now sleeping bag

Diane Soini dianesoini at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 20:16:44 CST 2013

Yeah, like Shroomer I prefer a bag without a built-in hood. The built- 
in hood is stuck to the bag. It's useless except as a part of the  
bag. A better system is to forgo the hood and wear a hat or a  
separate down hood or balaclava. Then you can use the separate hood/ 
balaclava on cold days.

In fact, I think the more separate all the pieces of your gear are  
the better. You can solve more problems with the individual pieces  
than you can with the wholes. This makes more sense the lighter you  
go and the longer you are out there. The more little individual  
pieces you have the more little puzzles you can solve with them.

I slept in my clothes directly on my z-rest foam pad. One night I was  
just too tired to put on sleeping clothes and from then on I never  
put on sleeping clothes ever again. You get a lot less picky about  
stuff like that out there, that's for sure.

On Nov 26, 2013, at 10:00 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Break Strategies now sleeping bags

> I pull it right over my
> head like a hood, but that hood can be formed in any direction.  I  
> just
> find it much more comfortable, and don't miss the hood in the least  
> as the
> bag still forms a hood when I want one.
> Shroomer

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