[pct-l] Protein powders and eBlogging

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Sat Dec 29 10:15:25 CST 2012

If I had it to do over again, I would eat a lot more protein from  
real food. From real meat.

I did not eat enough protein in the trail. I usually carried one tuna  
or salmon packet for a section and tried to make up for it in town  
somewhat. I did not find liquid protein drinks or bars to be  
palatable. I survived too much on pure carbohydrate and cheap  
vegetable oils (i.e. processed food) and feel my health suffered.

If I had it to do over again, I would bring more packets of chicken  
and fish, dehydrated root and starchy vegetables and sweet potatoes  
(that I make myself), dehydrated chicken (that I make myself),  
coconut pemmican (beef tallow and coconut), regular pemmican (beef  
tallow and dried beef), cheese and salami, olive oil and parmesan  
cheese. Melting the pemmican into the sweet potatoes is the best  
backpacking food I've ever tasted.

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