[pct-l] Two PCT Hikers with a Limp

hiker97 at aol.com hiker97 at aol.com
Sat Dec 8 08:53:46 CST 2012

Mark writes: Of course if things are not going well for the first hiker there is always the option to put him down.  There is a set value on his life as deemed by his owner.  The 2nd hiker may not be put into the system as fast but once there will receive millions of dollars of care regardless of ability to pay or even need for the treatment.
Switchback replies: This brings up a good point.  On the PCT if a hiker gets hurt and has to have treatment and/or rescued, who pays for it?  It is like the question about if you do not wear a motorcycle helmet and get hurt, who pays for it?  In other words, you do something voluntarily and get hurt, where does the money come from to take care of you?  It is expensive, plus other people might be put in harms way to assist you.  
May be some day you will have to sign a form to hike on public trails saying you have insurance to cover accidents --- PCT Medicare for all ages.  I wonder what John Muir would say if he was told he could not roam the Sierras without proper insurance.


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