[pct-l] sprouts and tarps

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Thu Apr 19 20:51:48 CDT 2012

I think tarps kind of depend on your style and what you tolerate.  
When I hiked the PCT through mosquito areas, a tarp and a bug net  
would not have been sufficient. At the end of a long day of hiking I  
just wanted to lay down on my stomach, eat my dinner and read my  
book. Then write in my journal. Sometimes I wanted to lay on my back  
and rub my feet and legs. Sometimes I wanted to wash my legs with a  
bandana. And sometimes as I slept it was so hot I wanted to stick an  
arm or foot out or just lay on top of my sleeping bag almost naked  
for a while. Being zipped up in my bag with a bug net and mosquitos  
clinging to it inches from my nose would have too claustrophobic and  
would have driven me completely nuts.

On Apr 19, 2012, at 10:00 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:
> Does anyone have any actual experience with the tarp/bug net  
> combo?  Good brand names, is what I'm after.  I'll be mostly way up  
> at around 10,000 feet elevation, so I don't think there will be too  
> many hot nights.

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