[pct-l] Fwd: Flippin out

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Tue Jun 21 09:29:20 CDT 2011

>From Halfmile:
> I have posted some images showing snow depth on the PCT from National
> Weather Service Snow Analyses data here:
> <http://www.pctnews.com/?p=208>

As usual, thanks once again, Halfmile!

FWIW: For those that have Google Earth & want to 'follow' the snow pack/melt status:
(of course we PCT 'addicts' already have Halfmile's GE PCT trace, available at
<http://www.pctmap.net/pctdownloads/halfmiles_pct_tracks_waypoints.kmz>, saved in 
GE and always 'on' & showing when GE opens!!)
Go to <http://www.nohrsc.noaa.gov/earth/> and download kml "Snow Analyses Overlays"...
(June 21st data became available within the last hour)
Download the June 21st kml, then the June 16th kml (to see the 5 day 'difference')...
Default 'category' (of eleven) shown for a kml is "Snow Water Equivalent", but there
is also "Snow Cover", "Snow Depth", "Snow Melt" that are 'interesting' to look at...
Change the kml file properties, checking the "Show contents as options (radio button selection)"...
Select "Snow Cover" in each kml file - then, with the June 21st file always 'on',
alternate the June 16th file 'on' & 'off' to see the 'change' in snow cover over those 
5 days, seeing how much of the snow cover has melted off in that time...

Currently the snow melt is in 'high gear' and melting rapidly - 'good' as far as more
of the trail being uncovered & visible, but also 'bad' as for the resulting high stream 
flows (as some recent posts have indicated)!

Be careful out there, class of 2011!

Happy trails!!!
Jim (PITA)

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