[pct-l] trip report 6-5/6-14

alec amr10009 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 16 23:39:57 CDT 2009

i just returned from a ten day backpacking/snowshoeing trip (6/5-14) in yosemite
and the ansell adams wilderness south of red's meadow.  we would have been
sunk (literally and figuratively) without snowshoes.  they temporarily closed tioga 
pass on 6/5, 5 minutes after we arrived in a snow storm.  storms every day thereafter.
completely snow covered above 9,000 feet.  overnight lows in the 20's over 10,000 feet.
the sun was blazing when it was out but that was rare.  some of the best snowshoeing 
i've ever done in my life on 6/6 and 6/7 in the vogelsang area.  no visible trail and only three other people seen in 6 days. snowshoed to within three hundered feet of vogelsang
summit on 6/7. by the end of last week the snow was disappearing quickly, but the
weather was still cold and the sun was nowhere to be seen.  donohue was bordereline
treacherous on 6/8. creeks are flowing quicker and fuller every day. no mosquitoes yet,
but they're invasion should begin any day now.

hope this helps.  happy hiking!


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