[pct-l] Weight of Totes Umbrella

rtjhunt at comcast.net rtjhunt at comcast.net
Thu Mar 29 21:46:09 CDT 2007

After seeing the comments regarding the "hiker" style umbrellas, I got out my silver topped and black lined Totes folding umbrella.  It weighs in at 7.1 oz without the plastic bottom sleeve with the nylon chord. Now I won't have to spend more money buying a golite one for $30.  When it is folded up, it measures 6 3/4" long and 2 1/4" in diameter. The stalk is 19" long and I plan to stick it in a tube of that foam insulation in my pack for sun and possibly rain protection.  The diameter is 36" and seems to have a strong arching frame that would either keep it from turning inside out in a big wind, send you off flying with the wind, or break. It probably cost about $15 and we have about 10 of these type of folding umbrellas.  Here in Seattle we seem to be out and about without umbrellas and end up buying yet another back up.  Kinda of like we do with sunglasses because it we go for so long without seeing the sun, that we forget where we put our sunglasses and end up buying more.

Hoov-PCT finish up in CA in 2007 !! 

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