[pct-l] sleeping bag

Russ russ at photon.net
Tue Jan 16 18:51:06 CST 2007

I bought a North Face Scorpio 40 degree bag and am starting to wonder if
it will be warm enough.  I am a big guy and I sleep very warm.  I am
concerned about being too warm when hiking because of the loss of fluids. 
This is why i went with a 40 degree bag.

I will also be carrying a liner so that should add ten degrees when
needed, with a tent that should add at least 15 degrees right?  I mean
that would bring me down to a 25 degree rating if my math is right.  Just
curious to see what other people think about this.

If you want to look at the bag i got its here:

its very light and compact:  1 lb. 7 oz, and stuff size of 6" X 11"

i really like this bag and I think that it will keep me warm but i would
really like to get other people's opinion.

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