[pct-l] Hiking Pole Tips Tip

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Wed Jan 10 11:16:56 CST 2007

>I have read that the tips are likely to implode or wear-out on a thru-hike.
>I am going to buy some replacement tips for my Leki's ahead of time.  How
>may tip-sets does one normally go through?

I think for wear alone, two sets might just barely make the distance - so I plan to have
two spare sets in my bounce bucket...  I also plan to have a backup pair of poles left
at home in case of pole loss/breakage (or, at minimum, have the contact info and part
number to order more while on the trail)...  As Stillroaming pointed out, the tips can
break - I've never had that happen as yet, though I have come very close a few times
(I 'might' carry a spare tip through the Sierra - will wait and decide at last moment)...
If it's a heavy snowpack year, or if I might enter the Sierra 'early', I also plan on
having the larger 'snow baskets' sent to Kennedy Meadows...

Happy trails!!!

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