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[pct-l] trail fees...moan..whine


I would be interested in any information that you come across regarding
trail fees. (specifically what I can do about them, not just "write your
congressman")  I've been infuriated about them over the last year.  It has
madden me even more that The Mountaineers supports them.  (beginning 1999
issue I believe,  full page declaring how the organization supports the

I don't understand why it isn't obvious that for many people, $40 is a
good chunk of money.  You are correct that the intention is to raise fees.
I read an article.. (I do wish I could quote exactly what it was) that
discussed how the "trail fee experiment" was specifically imposed just to
see if people would be willing to pay for them. Once that was documented,
they will then indeed raise the fees.  I recently heard that this year
they have "extended" the fees system for another "experimental" 3 years or
something close to that. 
From my knowledge, the reason why they implemented the fee system was
because of budget cuts. It wasn't due to the popular belief that the parks
and the forest service needed more money to provide the service.  Most of
what they are spending this extra money on is for studies and visitors
centers. (At least in our area)
I don't want a visitors center and as a scientist I would say that the
specific studies I have read about to do not appear to benefit any part of
the forest, wilderness or ecosystem. 

The entire PCT is indeed a small step behind.  Well, if you try to park
your car at a trailhead to hike into the PCT, it isn't behind!
I guess the political feeling is that "our" forests are for the elite.
Again, when they talk of "small/minimal" fees, everything being relative,
I assume that the person defining "minimal" is a 3 figure salary
politician.  For some folks, they are indeed asking for a full days pay to
bring their family for an overnight stay.  
The same cost for a hotel.

It costs me almost the same to hike up Mt. Rainier with skis on my back
and ski down as it does a ski lift pass at a resort (say midweek, Mt.

The only positive statement that I can make is that at least if I work two
days with the WA trail Association, I get a free FS trail permit for the
year.  I don't object to doing my share to reap the benefits.  I'll still
have to skip the Olympics and Rainier NP. 


...Yes, I assume many of you object to what I am saying.. that's what you
have YOUR opinion for. 

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
