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[pct-l] cell phones

OK, here goes. I carried a cell phone on most of my 600 miles this summer as I
was keeping connected with some clients. Living my dream supported them in
living theirs. I didn't use it within earshot of other people with a couple of
exceptions when other hikers were included in a call of celebration because
they asked to be, again not within earshot of anyone else.

I don't think it's the cell phone that's the problem. If people want to carry
and use them in a responsible way, obviously I have no argument with that.
Like most of you, I do object to people who use cell phones or loud voices or
inappropriate behavior (certainly we each have our own definition of what that
is :-)) in a way that is intrusive of anyone else's experience. That's about
the people not about cell phones or sat phones or radios or whatever. When
hikers - or anyone for that matter - make choices that honor their fellow
hikers - human beings - , I don't much care what they're carrying or not
carrying. When we make choices that are intrusive, I don't think it's based on
what we're carrying or not carrying. Simply about human behavior. IMHO.

Enjoy the day.

Namaste, m
Margo Chisholm
The Freedom Coach
Partnering you in having success,
freedom and joy in all areas of your life
970-704-9336    fax 970-704-9346

"Nurture the dreams that inspire you to go
beyond your limits."

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
