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Hello Listers,
I'm back home (Massachusetts) after a PCT thru-hike this year and am in
search of the home addresses of Donna Saufley and Paul Miller and Pat
Ziegler (is that right?) at Kamp Anza, if anyone has those handy. No luck
searching the PCT-L archives, though I found some other fun info there.
Thanks to the list administrators for making those available.
Originally I planned to hike from Campo to Ashland, but somewhere in
Northern California I decided to try for the Canadian border. I started at
Campo April 15 and got to Manning in spitting snow Sept. 25. It was a
wonderful experience, much more do-able than I had thought, though I will
confess to being quite weary for the last month of the trip. Got to go
lighter, I guess!
Now I'm in the throes of adjustment-shock, since I just finished my first
week back at work. Actually it's not bad at all. The only really bad aspect
is contemplating having three measly weeks off in the next year. That just
seems wholly inadequate.
Rebecca Sykes
PCT '99 (a pretty satisfying sign-off, I've got to say!)
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