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[pct-l] BOUNCE pct-l@backcountry.net: Admin request of type /\bunsubscribe\b/i at line 1 (fwd)

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 00:16:53 -0500 (CDT)
From: PCT List Admin <brick@fastpack.com>
X-Sender: brick@edina.hack.net
To: pct-l@backcoutnry.net
Subject: BOUNCE pct-l@backcountry.net:     Admin request of type /\bunsubscribe\b/i
  at line 1   (fwd)

From: "Marge Prothman" <margepr@cyberhighway.net>
To: "Pct-l" <pct-l@backcountry.net>
Subject: Off Hiking
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 09:15:02 -0600

Am going to u*nsu*bscribe for awhile......Will be off on the 22nd October
hike a few more sections from Scissors crossing (this is where I came off
with trashed feet last April)  So will see how far I can get if the weather
stays nice for Oct and Nov. and part of Dec.

Bye.....Marge Prothman (the old gal)
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
